Every acupuncture point belongs to a channel. Each channel has its own function in relation to the internal organs, nourishing and strengthening them. The acupuncture points keep the channels smooth and ensure that they are working well, bringing in the energy from outside to the body and releasing negative energy out through the skin. In Chinese medicine we say, 'Pain means it is not smooth. Smooth means there is no pain.' This is to do with the channels and acupuncture points working in the body. If you experience pain it means there is a problem. If you don't clear it up, you may become ill. In China, we have many different ways of keeping the channels smooth and the acupuncture points open. One is massage, which involves person-to-person contact. It manipulates the muscles and acupuncture points, using the hands' Qi or energy to strengthen the organs and to give relief to painful areas. Acupuncturists insert needles into acupuncture points to get rid of the problem and keep the Qi flowing. Moxibustion applies 'burning heat' and medicine to the problem areas and acupuncture points. This heat strengthens the injured areas and brings up the energy. Herbs are used to treat different kinds of problems too. Herbs which grow in the earth belong to nature so they are good for balancing the body. The Acupuncture Points The last method is Qigong. This is the most effective way, because we ourselves do the exercises that relate to our acupuncture points and channels and build up the Qi to clear the problem. By doing Qigong you build up your resistance to cure the disease. Once it has been cured completely in this way, the Chinese say it will never come back again. Your body will have built up immunity.
vendredi 30 octobre 2009
Acupuncture points and channels -Martial Arts (Qigong)
Every acupuncture point belongs to a channel. Each channel has its own function in relation to the internal organs, nourishing and strengthening them. The acupuncture points keep the channels smooth and ensure that they are working well, bringing in the energy from outside to the body and releasing negative energy out through the skin. In Chinese medicine we say, 'Pain means it is not smooth. Smooth means there is no pain.' This is to do with the channels and acupuncture points working in the body. If you experience pain it means there is a problem. If you don't clear it up, you may become ill. In China, we have many different ways of keeping the channels smooth and the acupuncture points open. One is massage, which involves person-to-person contact. It manipulates the muscles and acupuncture points, using the hands' Qi or energy to strengthen the organs and to give relief to painful areas. Acupuncturists insert needles into acupuncture points to get rid of the problem and keep the Qi flowing. Moxibustion applies 'burning heat' and medicine to the problem areas and acupuncture points. This heat strengthens the injured areas and brings up the energy. Herbs are used to treat different kinds of problems too. Herbs which grow in the earth belong to nature so they are good for balancing the body. The Acupuncture Points The last method is Qigong. This is the most effective way, because we ourselves do the exercises that relate to our acupuncture points and channels and build up the Qi to clear the problem. By doing Qigong you build up your resistance to cure the disease. Once it has been cured completely in this way, the Chinese say it will never come back again. Your body will have built up immunity.
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